
Showing posts from November, 2022

IEEE Software Magazine Nov/Dec 2022

  Main points to the following articles in IEEE Software Magazine.  November/December issue was highly focused on comparing AI with Software Engineering. An AI Engineer Versus a Software Engineer " Looking at the generalized skill  summaries of AI engineers and  software engineers, we can observe  that software engineers  are expected to understand the  end-to-end software development  and sustainment lifecycle,  and AI engineers are expected to  contribute to that lifecycle by developing  highly specialized components  which take advantage  of AI." " The software engineering community needs to be realistic in judging the demand, refrain from turning all software engineering programs into AI engineering ones following the hype, and continue to refine their understanding of the overlapping and unique skill sets of both software and AI engineering disciplines." Unlock the Business Value of Gamification "Although gamification has been proven to have positive effec

The 12 Days of Christmas (new lyrics)

The 12 Days of Christmas On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, Twelve next door drummers Eleven scheduled all-nighters Ten looters a-looting Nine crazy bankers Eight more emails to write Seven yawns a-meeting Six chicken pizzas Five Golden Stakeholder Feedbacks Four calling customers Three French fries Two worthless career moves, and A cartridge written in Assembly

The Hensleys

  The Hensleys:  Back (Left to Right):  Aunt Vera, Uncle Richard, Uncle Bob, Grandma Rinehart Front (Left to Right);  Great Grandma Maudie Hensley, Aunt Kathleen, Great Grandpa John Hensley

Nov 3: Harley

  A few updated photos of Harley.  She had her 1 year checkup this week and still weighed in at a healthy 9.6 lbs.  Took these with the old Nikon D70 (2006) and the 50 mm 1.4.  The CCD sensor of the D70 seems to bring a natural nostalgia to the images. Dinner Relax Sleep New Bed Portrait