
Showing posts from July, 2022

Hummingbird: Butler Prairie

  At least 4 Hummingbirds this morning at Butler Prairie.  Lucky to catch this one during takeoff.  They are unbelievably fast and hard to catch on camera.   Great documentary on Prime tells that Hummingbirds need to eat every 15 min, can control their heartbeat from 30-1200 bpm, can hover and fly in any direction and somehow can fly long non-stop distances over the Gulf of Mexico. Wonderfully engineered. 1/640s, f6.3, ISO 200

Falls Park (July 4)

  Different views for the same falls using the new HGX Prime variable extreme ND filter on the D5300.  The Falls The Falls The Falls

Turtle Sunbathing

  Caught this guy sunbathing on the White River today.