Tree Swallow (May 13)


Saw this Tree Swallow down at the Butler Prairie Friday Morning.  He didn't mind that I got close.  Pretty bold little bird whose feathers sparkle iridescent blue-green in the sun.

1/640s, f6.3, ISO 125, 400 mm

1/800s, f6.3, ISO 500, 400 mm

1/800s, f6.3, ISO 280, 400 mm

1/800s, f6.3, ISO 280, 400 mm

1/800s, f6.3, ISO 320, 400 mm

1/800s, f6.3, ISO 320, 400 mm

1/800s, f6.3, ISO 220, 400 mm

1/800s, f6.3, ISO 160, 400 mm

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