Backyard Cardinal (evening)


Filled up both backyard bird feeders.  I've heard the extra food helps birds stay fed and warm during the Winter.  Today's high was only 38 degF, tonight's low will be 20.  There was a lot of bird activity today.  I enjoyed the expressions on this Cardinal which was hard to see while taking the photo because it was almost dark outside.  Even at a shutter speed 1/60s, the D7100 and the Tamron 400 did a pretty good job freezing the motion.  Was just too dark when I took these to get a great result but they turned out pretty well.

1/60s, 6400, f6.3

1/60s, 6400, f6.3

1/60s, 6400, f6.3

1/60s, 6400, f6.3

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